Case Studies

There are four case studies included in our collection, covering a broad range of situations we encountered in meSch and including examples of how we used the methods and techniques listed here.

AtlantikWall1 1. Interactive exhibits as part of an exhibition presents co-design work that preceded the Atlantic Wall exhibition in The Hague. The Atlantic Wall was the first exhibition to integrate meSch technology fully.

KeyChallenges1 2. Addressing the key challenges of a museum explains the processes behind the conception, design and realisation of the meSch Loupe by a team at WAAG in collaboration with Museon and Allard Pierson Museum.

ExploratoryLab 3. Repurposing smart objects or existing equipment presents one of our Exploratory Labs, where six Dutch cultural heritage professionals were invited to choose from our initial smart objects (still in a prototype phase at that point) and have one repurposed and reprogrammed to answer to their own institution’s needs.

4.Interactive exhibits for outdoors heritage sites presents the work of a group at the Sheffield Hallam University with a group of volunteers at Sheffield General Cemetery.

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